
Friday, February 22, 2019

Tissue Specimen

NO NAME OF TISSUE / SPECIMEN NAME OF THE organ SYSTEM LABEL SPECIMEN FUNCTION DESEASE Type of tissuesection Staining technique REFRENCE MAGNIFICATION DRAWING / SKETCH 1 Acute Lymphocyte Leukemia cardiovascular System fund Type of cancer of the line of work or oculus sinister marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of white blood cells Leukemia note Smear Hematoxylin http//swc2. hccs. du/bio/labs 451306 pixels 2 Atherosclerosis- Coronary Artery cardiovascular brass find in main arteries of essence Blockage of passage of blood into coronary thrombosis arteries Arthrosclerosis blockage of coronary artery/ MI warmth attack/ CL Giesma Http//www. enome. gov/images Size 215200 pixels 3 Cardiac Muscle Cardiovascular system Heart/ smooth muscle Contraction and relaxation of muscle for blood flow Congestive heart failure DM Wrights http//swc2. ccs. edu/bio/labs 500376 pixels 4 Cystic Duct Digestive system Liver/ gall bladder join passage of common hepiatic duct Estrahepalic Bile Duct genus Cancer (PDQ) / Gallstones CS Silver strain http//med. umich. edu/ 512512 pixels 117 kb 5 Dorsal base Ganglion- Golgi Aparatus eukaryotic cells organelle Cellular Organelle Distribution of cells chemicals products Alzheimers malady DM Silver Stained http//anatomyatlas. rg/microscopicantatomy/ 472269 pixels 6 Eosinophila Cardiovascular system relationship Causes be allergic reaction or parasitosis condition in which the eosinophil count in the peripheral blood exceeds 0. 45? 109/L air Smear Hematoxylin http//www. nurs. org. jp/igaku/s4323 200200 piels 7 Fish Blastodisc Mitosis variance productive system Egg the embryo-forming portion of an egg with discoidal partitioning Mitosis Longitudinal mess up section Giesma http//www. carolina. om/images/enUS 251250 pixels 8 Frog Early cleavage Reproductive System Frog egg During the 3 hour stuffing and pass thru the gray crescent Mitosis Representative Sagittal Section Giesma https//bio. rutgers. edu/bm-earl. ,html 215220 pixels 9 Uterus fibroid tumor Reproductive System Uterus Is a clement tumor that originates from the smooth muscle layer of uterus carcinosarcoma CS Wrights http//www. obgyn. edu. /images four hundred320 pixels 10 Goiter Section Endocrine System Enlargement of thyroid gland Regulating of body metabolism and calcium balance. Hyperthyroidism overrun of thyroid hormone LS Wrights http//pathweb. uchc. edu 432324 pixels 11 humane Blood Smear Cardiovascular System Blood Transport of nutrients and other wastes Leukemia / hemophilia Blood position Hematoxylin Http//www. aug. edu/biology/1101cspage2 30244 pixels 12 Human Aurobachs plexus nauseating system Parasimpatetic uneasy System provides motor annoyance to both layers and secretomotor innervation to the mucosa, Achalasia CS Wrights http//en. ikipedia. org/aurebachs plexus 50215 pixels 13 Human Blood Smear (Wrights) Cardiovascular System Blood Transportation of nutrients and wastes lymphoma, Blood point Wrights http//download. videohelp. com/visual/med 367192 pixels 14 Human Brain Astrocytes- Silver Stained Nervous System star-shaped glial cells in the brain and spinal heap biochemical support of endothelial cells that form the bloodbrain bulwark Neurodegeneration, Alzheimers disease, Parkinson Disease, LS Silver Stained Http//nordiqu. rg/images/IFs 170255 pixels 15 Human breast carcinoma Reproductive System malignant breast neoplasm Cancer originating from breast tissue, roughly commonly from the inner lining of milk ducts Breast Cancer LS Wrights http//www. labvision. c/images/ihcimage 175175 Pixels 16 Human Cardiac Infection Cross section Cardiovascular system Heart Decrease function of heart developing heart failure and valve dysfunction Bacterial endocarditis an infection of the heart valves or the hearts inner lining endocardium Cross section Wrights http//pathmicro. ed. sc. edu 448350 pixels 17 Human Cardiac muscle Interacted Discs C ardiovascular system Striated Smooth Muscle Intercalated discs (IDs) are complex adhering structures which connect single cardiac myocytes Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy, ARVC CS DM http//www. 1cro. com/Discovery/cardiacmus. gif 308153 pixels

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